Fire Suppression & Detection

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Fire suppression and detection


Fire Suppression & Detection

We have extensive experience in the design, installation, and maintenance of fire suppression and detection systems. Our vendor neutrality ensures we are not committed to any individual manufacturer. Any fire suppression and detection system proposed for your data centre is specified based on its suitability for your facility.

The Purpose of a Fire Suppression System Is To:

Gas Suppression Systems

Water Mist Systems

Early Warning Smoke Detection Systems

Room Integrity Test

Any suppression system agent that is discharged into an area of risk has to be able to remain there for a minimum 10 minutes, from the initial activation of the fire alarm or alert.

Secure I.T. Environments Ltd system installations are guaranteed to fulfill this requirement. As well as installations, our room integrity testing process is rigorous and as complete as any other within the industry.

Our professional engineers use the very latest in testing technology to provide thorough informative assessments concerning potential areas of leakage, advice and recommendations on further protection solutions, as well as full retention reports.

VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus)

VESDA is a laser-based smoke detector and has been used in specialist fire detection applications for over 20 years. VESDA is the most advanced aspirating smoke detection equipment in the fire industry. VESDA smoke detectors hold more certifications than any other aspirating smoke detectors in the world and are widely used for all installations by Secure I.T. Environments Ltd.

Room Sealing Service

We provide a complete turnkey fire suppression system solution. We will undertake all electrical room sealing and builders work as part of any fire suppression system deployment to ensure that the system will pass the room integrity test.

We have considerable experience in the following systems:

Ready to get in touch?

Our team of experts are on hand, ready to discuss your needs.