48% of small businesses in the UK were targeted by Cyber criminals in the past 12 months

In 2014 The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) produced its business Crime Strategy. The report identified that cyber crime was a significant and growing problem across all sectors of society, including business. It also stated that the internet has made it easier to commit fraud with estimates suggesting that 57% of fraud reported in 2012/13 was cyber-related.

PWC’s Information Security Breaches Survey released in June 2015 reported that 90% of large organisations and 74% of SMEs had suffered a security breach, up from 81% and 60% the year before.

Estimates put the costs of these breaches at between £1.46m-£3.14m for large organisations and £75k-£311K for SMEs
Over the coming months, Secure I.T. Environments Ltd will share with you tips on how to make your business and online experience as safe as possible.

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