In 2014 The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) produced its business Crime Strategy. The report identified that cyber crime was a significant and growing problem across all sectors of society, including business. It also stated that the internet has made it easier to commit fraud with estimates suggesting that 57% of fraud reported in 2012/13 was cyber-related.
PWC’s Information Security Breaches Survey released in June 2015 reported that 90% of large organisations and 74% of SMEs had suffered a security breach, up from 81% and 60% the year before.
Estimates put the costs of these breaches at between £1.46m-£3.14m for large organisations and £75k-£311K for SMEs
Over the coming months, Secure I.T. Environments Ltd will share with you tips on how to make your business and online experience as safe as possible.